School Site Council
5:00 pm - 6:00 pm Via Zoom
November 12th (Tuesday since Monday is a holiday)
March 10th
April 28th
May 19th
All meetings must be open to the public and allow for public input.
- Meeting notices and agenda must be posted at least 72 hours in advance.
- Notice and agenda must be posted at the school site or other appropriate place accessible to the public.
- Notice and agenda must include date, time, and location of the meeting and the items to be discussed or acted upon.
- Action cannot be taken on items not posted on an agenda unless a unanimous vote finds a need for immediate action. If this condition is not met, the item must be reconsidered at the next meeting after public input.
- The public must be provided access to all materials discussed and/or distributed at the meeting.
McBride School Site Council is a site based shared decision making body that meets once a month to help McBride make important decisions and provide key guidance during the course of the year that helps develop school policy/programs, approves designated funding expenditures, and provides transparency. The council is comprised of an equal number school site personnel and students/parents/community members. The goal is insure parents, teachers, students, and community members have input and a voice in key school site decisions. All stakeholders are welcome to attend meetings but only board members are allowed to vote.
Duties of the School Site Council
The school site council of Ernest S. McBride High School, hereinafter referred to as the school site council, shall carry out the following duties:
Obtain recommendations for, and review of the proposed Single Plan for Student Achievement from all school advisory committees.
Develop and approve the plan and related expenditures in accordance with all state and federal laws and regulations.
Recommend the plan and expenditures to the governing board for approval.
Provide ongoing review of the implementation of the plan with the principal, teachers and other school staff members.
Make modifications to the plan whenever the need arises.
Submit the modified plan for governing board approval whenever a material change (as defined in district governing board policy) is made in planned activities or related expenditures.
Annually, (and at each semester, trimester, etc), evaluate the progress made toward school goals to raise the academic achievement of all students.
Carry out all other duties assigned to the school site council by the district governing board and by state law.
The following individuals were selected by their respective peers to serve on the McBride School Site Council:
- Alvaro Portillo
- Ana Gomez
- Candice Browning
- Gina Stolpestad
- Pam Schultz
- Patricia Martinez
- Pedro Navarro
- Ulises Garcia
- Cara Galvey
- Ezequiel Correa
- Mia Carrillo
Dr. Stephanie Dunn, Principal